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Research profile
Read about the Pain Dementia Virtual Reality Research Study.
With funding from the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF), the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CABHI), and the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, the Pain, Dementia & Virtual Reality Research Team is developing learning materials for friends and family members who care for people living with dementia. People living with advanced dementia may have difficulty understanding or answering common questions about pain. Does dementia affect the ability to feel or manage pain? What treatments may help someone living with dementia manage pain? This multidisciplinary team, led by Dr. Susan Tupper, has conducted interviews with people living with dementia and their family or friends who provide care for them. From these interviews they developed a “learning curriculum” that outlines the information about pain that people living with dementia and their family caregivers want to know or feel is important for others like them to know about pain. This research is ongoing. Next steps are to create information materials for family and friend caregivers. This information will be shared on the SaskPain website and through other partnering community organizations like the Alzheimer’s Society of Saskatchewan and the Saskatoon Council on Aging. The team is partnering with Luxonic Technologies Inc. to create virtual reality videos to support recognition and management of pain for people living with dementia.
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